Altar Server / Lector / Eucharistic Minister / Usher

The name "server" identifies the role of an altar server at Mass - to serve God and his people by assisting the priest and parish community in their worship and celebration of the Eucharist. Children and adults who have received the sacrament of 1st Holy Communion  are eligible. All servers must attend a training session prior to serving at Mass. Please contact the church office at 208-263-3720.

Lectors make the Living Word of God present by their proclamation during the Liturgy of the Word. They are trained to help the congregation to better understand the scripture and to successfully communicate the message to the people. For more information about lectors at St. Joseph's, or to become a lector, please contact our parish office at 918-687-1351.

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Christ at all masses.  If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact  the parish office at 208-263-3720

Ushers foster a sense of welcome and belonging to those who assemble for prayer. The ushers assist in seating and provide assistance when and where it is needed. They take up the collection and direct the communion procession. For more information about ushers at St. Joseph's or to become an usher, please contact the parish office at 208-263-3720.